Tané Hermetic Especialistas en puertas herméticas
Customised AM10P Rw 52dB EI sound reducing door

Tané Hermetic, in collaboration with its UK partner, installed a huge horizontal soundproof sliding door for an important engine test center nearby Belfast (Northern Ireland).

This 8 x 7 meters special horizontal sliding door is based on the AM10P Rw 52 dB model and customized to comply with the customer's specific requirements. Together with its acoustic doorframe the door has been additionally equipped with a 60 minutes fire rated frame, incorporates a 60' fire rated soundproof hinged personal door and 60' fire rated soundproof decompression hatches.

The door weights about 6.500 kg and assures direct access to the test cell.

Tané Hermetic is specialist for the construction of big dimension sound reducing doors which are installed in the industry or opera houses and theatres all over the world.

Customized sound reducing door AM10P Rw 52dB

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