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Contact: tanehermetic@tanehermetic.com indicating the reference nº
Ref: 0529
Model: Rebated hinged hatch for negative temperatures Thickness: 75 mm For temperatures until -20 ºC
To be fitted on 155 mm panel
Dimensions: 350 x 550 mm (width x height)
Unit : 1 (1 leaf) - Left opening Price: 325 €
Ref: 0217 F-1.85
Model: Fixed window (with laminated glass chamber) With aluminum frame in white colour
For positive temperatures To be fitted on 100 mm panel
Dimensions: 1.500 x 1.000 mm (width x height)
Unit : 1 Price: 643 €
Ref: 0218 F-1.86
Dimensions: 3.000 x 1.000 mm (width x height)
Unit : 1 Price: 1.379 €
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